side Road to Glory:Keep Walking: 4/1/08 - 5/1/08

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

About Human Psychology:As I Interpret it!!!

It's been time since i decided to write on this particular topic...Used to make word documents and sketch out some of the characters(read :people) i have met till now....Sounds strange!!!!!..yes it is indeed strange..But you will be more surprised when i put forth my findings about different people and you will notice that there exists a definite pattern (logic) behind the behaviour of each person.
okie i guess by now you would be totally confused as to what this guy is saying!!!
Let's beign with the basic stuff of Psychology.

People may say if you are optimistic which i am,then u must also agree that there are only strengths and weaknesses which ,how contentious it may sound,i don't.
For me,an individual has three aspects :strenghts,weaknesses and limitations.Yes Each and Everyone of us have our own limitations and sometimes we misinterpret these limitations as our weaknesses trying to overcome them and sometimes find that we arent able to do it.

This is not because we are lacking on something,it is just the fact that we are overlapping our weaknesses and limitations.Weaknesses are meant to be overcomed and not limitations.
You would never be able to overcome your limitations .that's why they are your limitations...
I know by now you must be getting the feeling that this guy is presenting a very pessimistic approach.

No i m not.The fact is the moment we get our boundaries(strenghts,weaknesses and limitations) right,that is the moment when we will experience "Happiness".
Believe me it is the fact which i m presenting to you.

Let's look at it from a different prespective.During one of my normal travelling days from office to home,i was just thinking of this widely known principle the "Total energy always remains constant.The energy gained is equal to energy lost".
Hence I took the liberty to extend this by replacing it by the above three aspects.Just imagine if there wasnt the third component of limitations then if one would have overcomed his weakness into strengths then wouldnt it would have caused imbalance with the total energy gained (strenghts) increasing as compared to total weakness (energy lost) which then contradicts the above principle.Hence if i have to draw an analogy to this principle then the total strengths =total weaknesses=total limitations.It's a three way traffic and if you look at it closely this priciple can be extrapolated to each n every aspect of life.

I will be continuing on this in my next post..So keep Visiting this space

Okie I guess i would be starting all over again on this topic after 15 months...But yes these 15 months have immensely added to my continuing learning of understanding people and their behaviours under different situations and circumstances.

Sometimes we wonder or i should say, we label or categorize some people as bad,arrogant,not worth it,useless.....even i have made those mistakes time n again....which perhaps when you go deep into it u realize that it is the biggest blunder ever made when it comes to understanding people.

In my Understanding of Human Psychology,it's never the person who is wrong or (any negative adjectives u can think of)'s always the situation in which you interact with him that makes you form such a opinion.

Let's try to look at it from a different prespective.If whatever i said above was not true then how can a person be a nice human being to some and a pathetic one to others...It's just not possible because the person's inner self always remains the same ( Unless he/she is suffering from Multiple personality disorder which is an exceptioanl case).....

This means that the situations in which you have interacted with the person from the start have led you to believe or form "A Particular opinion about that person"....

Remember the cliche "First Impression Matters" what does it say....Basically it states that the first situation in which you encounter a person has to be perfect because that will govern your image in front of others...

So Next time when you start cursing a person .Think Twice...The Person was not Wrong but the Situation was not right.I know it's tough for an human mentality.but when you achieve that then you will defintely take a huge step forward to being a better human being!!!!

More to follow.........

Ahh...Its been a long time since I last wrote on this subject...even now as I write, I was actually reminded by one of my friends that your subject is still here it goes....

I guess this is nearly after 2 years ,i m continuing on this topic. However last 2 years have been a truly enriching experience for me in understanding people and their behaviours....and perhaps a great case study as it had a recession cramped in (recessionary behaviours :P).

On a serious note, my observations in past 2 years have again reinforced what I had stated above in my previous posts...i.e when it comes to understanding human behaviours, then its all about Situations, situations and situations...and not actually about people...Last 2 years have been a tremendous learning experience personally for me, as I could observe people reacting in diverse ways in different situations ...most of them have been really testing ones to say the least.

Let me start with competition....According to me, there is nothing called as Peer Pressure existing, it an internal conflict which every individual goes through but he focusses on abilities fother people rather than his own...

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